Rabu, 04 April 2012

Jenis - jenis organisasi internasional


Jenis Organisasi -Organisasi Internasional Lainnya yang tidak termasuk Subjek Pajak Penghasilan Badan antara lain :

1.    Asean Secretariat
2.    SEAMEO (South East Asian Minister of Education Organization)
3.    ACE (The ASEAN Centre for Energy)
4.    NORAD (The Norwegian Agency for International Development)
5.    Plan International Inc.
6.    PCI (Project Concern International)
7.    IDRC (The International Development Research Centre)
8.    Kerjasama Teknik Di Bidang Perkoperasian antara DMTCI/CLUSA-Republik Indonesia
9.    NLRA (The Netherlands Leprosy Relief Association)
10. The Commission of The European Communities
11. OISCA INT. (The Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement International)
12. World Relief Cooperation
13. APCU (The Asean Heads of Population Coordination Unit)
14. SIL (The Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc.)
15. IPC (The International Pepper Community)
16. APCC (Asian Pacific Coconut Community)
17. INTELSAT (International Telecommunication Satellite Organization)
18. People Hope of Japan (PHJ) dan Project Hope
19. CIP (The International Potato Centre)
20. ICRC (The International Committee of Red Cross)
21. Terre Des Hommes Netherlands
22. Wetlands International
23. HKI (Helen Keller International, Inc.)
24. Taipei Economic and Trade Office
25. Vredeseilanden Country Office (VECO) Belgia
26. KAS (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung)
27. Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, USA-PATH
28. Save the Children-US dan Save the Children-UK
29. CIFOR (The Center for International Forestry Research)
30. Islamic Development Bank
31. Kyoto University-Jepang
32. ICRAF (the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry)
33. Swisscontact - Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation
34. Winrock International
35. Stichting Tropenbos
36. The Moslem World League (Rabithah)
37. NEDO (The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization)
38. HSF (Hans Seidel Foundation)
39. DAAD (Deutscher Achademischer Austauschdienst)
40. WCS (The Wildlife Conservation Society)
41. BORDA (The Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association)
42. ASEAN Foundation
43. SOCSEA (Sub Regional Office of CIRDAP in Southeast Asia)
44. IMC (International Medical Corps)
45. KNCV (Koninklijke Nederlands Centrale Vereniging tot Bestrijding der Tuberculosis)
46. Asia Foundation
47. The British Council
48. CARE (Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere Incorporation)
49. CCF (Christian Children's Fund)
50. CRS (Catholic Relief Service)
51. CWS (Church World Service)
52. The Ford Foundation
53. FES (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)
54. FNS (Friedrich Neumann Stiftung)
55. IRRI (International Rice Research Institute)
56. Leprosy Mission
57. OXFAM (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief)
58. WE (World Education, Incorporated, USA)
59. JICA (Japan International Cooperations Agency)
60. JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation)
61. KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency)
62. ERIA (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia)
63. JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization)
64. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Sumber : http://wibowo-pajak.blogspot.com/2012/03/jenis-organisasi-internasional-lainnya.html

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